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What a year! 2022 is gone here we are again in 2023.
We are alive, and the future of the young disadvantaged children of Kibosho, its neighboring communities, and all other KVTC students is secured.
The Principal, Board of Directors, Board of Trustees, sponsors, donors, students, and KVTC friends were in a big tension and insecurity in 2022 due to the new parameters of providing vocational training, as stated in the November 2022 newsletter.
“Akufaaye kwa dhiki ndiye rafiki” is the Swahili saying which means “a friend in need is a friend indeed’’. These incidents were the right time for KVTC to know from its community, friends, partners, workers, and students who have a passion for KVTC, and are patient and loyal to it.
The needs were too many and the capability to face them all was challenging, we had to call different meetings with different stakeholders to request a donation. A lot of letters were written everywhere but what was the result? Our friends from the Netherlands who knew from the beginning the needs of the disadvantaged youth of Kibosho and contributed to about 90% of the present school infrastructures, supported us in one way or the other to rescue the school. Some of the Kibosho members who have passion for the school saw the need and supported the Principal to keep holding on.
For those people we hoped could be on our side tricked us and some run away, we did not see their known desire to help Kibosho young people who are not being able to get technical skills due to their financial and family backgrounds (orphans, and have not, etc). We are not complaining since everyone has his or her own reasons to either support or not. We certainly knew that one person who has faith in our college is needed, someone who cares about the lives of many young people for whom the existence of their college guarantees a better life. We found the KVTC team, boards, KET Holland, and other European friends probably poor Kibosho people who could not afford to give financial support. We certainly neither sleep nor give up, we fought for the existence of the school suddenly the fruits of patience dedication and self-sacrifice were seen. We were allowed to enroll students for 2023 and the registration certificate will be given before May 2023.
Although these efforts brought fruits the consequences were not inevitable. Paying students (students who are able to pay their own school fees) left and joined another college. Some of the staff decided to quit and some sponsors neither did they retain nor enroll new students at KVTC for 2023. The January intake market was delayed since we were not sure if we could manage to register the school and hence its outcome is not promising. The community fears that the college will be closed greatly affected this year’s enrollment. We are struggling to get some of the students back at KVTC and keep enrolling new students for the end of March 2023 (marketing is continuous).
Your support is highly needed and requested in one way like sponsoring more students and we have some students who need to be sponsored. Other financials will be highly appreciated since a lot is needed to keep the school running smoothly as reported in the last newsletter. I humbly request you to keep your support since for now is the only hope for the Kibosho youth who are left behind due to their disadvantaged background.
Dear friends expect our new updates before Easter with other developments, we love you all.
Yours on behalf of KVTC family
Daniel Mboya
4 reacties
Oei…., moeilijke tijden dus….
Ik hoop, dat het tij keert en de school plus organisatie kan blijven bestaan. Zoveel arbeid en inzet verricht, en het zou vreselijk zijn, dat dat allemaal zou eindigen in het sluiten van de school.
Dat kan toch niet waar zijn…..
Wens jullie alle sterkte en goede omstandigheden, zodat de schoolactiviteiten in de ruimste zin door kunnen blijven gaan.
Heel erg bedankt Luccss Bartlema, het was een heel moeilijke periode maar we hebben er veel vertrouwen in. Er zijn en worden inspanningen geleverd en het komt zeker goed. Mijn verzoek is dat u ons blijft steunen en we verzekeren onze belanghebbenden dat de doelstellingen van het bouwen van dit college zeker ten koste van alles zullen worden bereikt.
Ik ben zelf betrokken bij een VTC in Sumbawanga en Kilangala. Dezelfde problemen. De overheid bied nu goedkopere scholing aan en dat is op zich niet verkeerd. Het is heel lastig om te overleven op deze manier.
Als de docenten ook weg gaan ivm salarissen die achter blijven etc dan is het snel afgelopen.
Houd moed maar probeer ook te schakelen en je aan te passen aan de nieuwe realiteit.
Beste Leo, bedankt voor je reactie. We houden ondanks de vele tegenslagen en het lange wachten zéker de moed er in. Danièl heeft ons gemeld dat de Nactevet registratie binnen is! Een fantastische prestatie van hem en zijn crew. Positief nieuws, wat ik op de website ga plaatsen.