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Hello family!
2022-2023 were very puzzling years for the future and position of the school, as reported earlier. Now we are equipped to face the year 2024 after facing all the encounters stumble upon.
We are now certified to run vocational training under NACTVET, what news!! We have a supportive building and average workshops to conduct training per guidelines (see the pictures).
Greatest of all we now have a well-qualified, competent, and motivated teaching staff who have the morale to make Kibosho Vocational Training Centre (KVTC) a center of hope for the Kibosho and Tanzanian youth. The commitment of the management and the board towards achieving KVTC’s goal and vision is another contributing factor towards a bright future of this institution built to help the unprivileged and disadvantaged youth and children of Kibosho.
We already have quite a few materials, but some of them are outdated and need to be replaced. And we have to rent the more expensive machines. Would you please help us with donations? It would be nice if this was a monetary amount, but if you have a physical item used or new you want to donate to the school, please contact our friend Marcel Pascal who is visiting the school end of October 2023 to deliver it for you. (You can reach him by sending an email to: info@projecttanzania.nl)
I believe you are going to join hands with us to bring hope to the lives of these youngsters. Until next time,
With love
4 reacties
Hello family I would to thank you for reading this newsletter. We would be very happy to hear from you
Kibosho VTC (Umbwe)
Sorry, I meant I would like to thank you for reading this neswletter
Hallo allen,
Ik ben zojuist terug gekomen uit de regio waar jullie VTC staat. We zaten in Moshi.
Ik heb samen met twee collega’s van stichting Water for Everyone, een training gegeven in het boren naar grondwater m.b.v. een nieuwe kleine drilling rig met dieselmotor. Een groot succes. 4 boringen gedaan en twee voorzien van een filterbuis. Een kleine basisschool in Kikavu ten zuiden van Moshi, heeft een watertap gekregen op het schoolpleintje. Oh wat waren ze blij. Mocht jullie VTC geinteresseerd zijn in onderwijs op het gebied van water (pompen, meten, zuivering etc) dan kunnen we misschien samen werken. We zijn bezig een onderwijsprogramma op te zetten samen met een nieuw te bouwen VTC in Sanya Yuu, ten westen van jullie.
Foto’s zien van de cursus boren? stuur een mail naar info@waterforeveryone.nl
Leo Groendijk, voorzitter
Thank you Leo we will be happy to work with you, and I will contact you to further this discussion. Thank you for reading this newsletter
Principal/Coordinator Kiboshi VTC